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A member registered Apr 07, 2021

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I’m Kitten, the co-lead of the project. I am responsible for creative input (for example, story direction, car abilities, aesthetic appearance and theme of cars and the environment, among other things) in addition to being the game's main bug-tester. A funny bug-the first I discovered- was managing to somehow wedge my car into a solid ramp, even though Patrick had said that should have been impossible! I’m also helping make sure the game feels fun to play.

Early on, I realised that the cars could flip very easily, making driving around far less enjoyable. Although Patrick hadn’t fully coded the car’s grip, I thought if a player’s car flipped over for a long time, this would put them at a large disadvantage in a race, especially since (spoiler alert!) cars in a future update will be able to explode if they take enough damage.

Patrick- How’d we fix this? I coded an extra force to kick if when the car rotated past ~20º rotated along the forward direction. This kept cars from flipping but led to weird-looking physics after high-speed collisions or jumps. I further refined it so that this “de-flipping” force is only applied if the angular velocity (speed of rotation) is below some threshold, so the car could still flip and tumble naturally, but once the rotations slow down enough, the force ensures it lands upright.

 We are hoping to have the first concept demo game ready for download in the next couple of weeks!

 Kitten + Patrick